Wednesday, June 3, 2009

Pathetic Middle Ground

I am an optimist.  Unfortunately, I am also a pessimist.  We shouldn't forget the part of me that's a realist, either.  I can do anything (optimistic).  Anything that I can do, that is (realistic).  And there's probably somebody who already does it, and does it better, so why bother (pessimistic).  But with time and practice, I could learn to do most things (optimistic realism).  But there doesn't seem to be anything I'm naturally good at, so my success will likely be moderate (pessimistic realism).
I tend to live in the middle.  The middle of everything.  I even prefer the middle seat, and I somehow manage to end up in the middle of the people I'm walking with.  I like my pizza best room temperature.  I take warm showers.  I like grey days.  My favorite movies are not entirely predictable, but not so off the wall as to be beyond all reason.  Two people have a fight, I see both sides.  I'm very outgoing, except when I'm shy.  I'm a great student when I actually care.
The middle ground has its perks.  I get along with just about anyone, which makes it really easy to make friends.  On the other side, it's difficult to build a life on the middle.  Most of the time I feel fairly aimless.
Conclusion: Find those things that draw you out of the middle, and that will lead to a successful and happy life built on actual passion instead of "going with the flow."
I'm working on it.

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